About US

Credit Unions in Canada are provincially regulated.

In the Province of New Brunswick, they are governed by the NB Credit Unions Act and Regulations which may be viewed at the Provincial Web Site under Department of Justice:


Residents of communities invest in their local credit unions by purchasing shares, thereby becoming owners. You will find in this site, that the terms ‘investor’ or  ‘owner’ are used rather than ‘customer’.

Citizens Credit Union Limited History

When residents of Fredericton Junction and surrounding areas learned that their financial institution would be closing its doors in May of 1996, they could not see how they would survive without a financial institution.

A core group of people formed a ‘steering committee’ to investigate the viability of a credit union in the area. After much hard work, the newest charter in over 15 years was approved by the Department of Justice for Citizens Credit Union to open its doors.                                            

The credit union opened April 2, 1997.

The vision at the time was for the credit union to develop $5 million dollars in assets within 5 years. In March, 1999, three years later, the credit union surpassed its five year goal of $5 million dollars in asset size.

The Board of Directors as of May 1, 2012 are:


1. Keith Muzzerall, President                             
2. Larry Nason, Vice President                     
3. Albert Aubin, Secretary 

In random order

4. Blaine Mowry
5. Linda Comeau
6. John King

Branch Location and Hours

Our branch has a full service ATM that is always open.

179 Sunbury Drive
Fredericton Junction NB
E5L 1R5

Phone: (506) 368-9000
Fax: (506) 368-9003

Citizens Credit Union  is dedicated to serving its community, with professional staff who are  passionate about delivering better service.

Telephone Banking:  1-800-963-4848

New Hours of Business Effective Sept. 1, 2013

Monday to Thursday: 10:00am  to  3:00pm
Closed on Friday